by Shane Badham

On the 22nd June this year I visited the Westcountry Studies library to follow up two Badham references in the names index of the Exeter Flying Post. The names were Thomas BADHAM 23rd April 1801 and 13th February 1806 Bristol, and Frederick J. BADHAM 25th April 1833 Penzance.
I had seen the index boxes for the Exeter Flying Post on previous visits, but I did not have enough time to investigate them.
Subsequent viewing of the references  within the relevant microfilms turned up the following information, which I have transcribed from a photocopy I made of the Newspaper.

Exeter Flying Post 23rd April 1801 3d
Bristol, February 18, 1801
AT a Meeting held this Day between Mr. William Armstrong and Mr. Thomas Badham, Engine-Makers and Co-partners, it was mutually agreed, that the Partnerfhip now and for some Time paft fubfifting between them fhould from this Day ceafe, and be finally diffolved upon the Conditions hereafter mentioned, viz.
1st. It is agreed between the Parties, that Mr. Badham's Interest or Share of Profit in the Concern amounts to Two Hundred and Fifty(sic)-two Guineas,               £ 262 10 0

From which is to be deducted,
for Cafh already Received,                   102 10 0
                               Balance,                £ 160   0 0

To be paid in the following Manner, viz.

£ 60 per Bill, a Three Months Date.
   50 per Do. a Three Months, at the End of Three Months
   50 per Do. a Three Months, at the End of Six months.

     The Diffolution of the Partnerfhip to be advertifed in the ufual Way.—Mr. Armstrong to indemnify Mr. Badham from all Claims whatever arifing from the Partnerfhip.

It was at the fame Time agreed between the Parties, that Mr. Badham engages to manage and tranfact the Bufinefs for Mr. Armstrong, as Foreman and Principal Engineer, upon the following Terms, viz.

To be allowed a certain salary of One Hundred Pounds per Annum, and further Twenty Shillings per Engine up to One Hundred Engines made within the Year. An agreement to be entered into for Seven Years.

       William Armstrong

       Thomas Badham

SINCE the above Diffolution of Partnerfhip, THOMAS BADHAM (for very fufficient reafons) is difcharged from my Employ.
Having a large Stock of MAHOGANY and other Timber, well feafon'd, Orders for SCRIBBLING, CARDING ENGINES, &c. will be executed in the moft workmanlike manner, with the lateft and beft improvements, and ftrict attention to punctuality, by
           Stoke's Croft, Bristol.

N.B. Yorkshire and other Cards warranted of the beft Fabrick.

This must be Thomas Badham (3), who was married to Charlotte Billings. It also appears in the Western Flying Post, seen at the Somerset Studies Library. It also proves that they all moved to Bristol.

The advertisement reference for the 13th April 1806 1c, was not found, and the preceding and following issues were checked. I believe the reference is not  correct and should refer to William Armstrong’s advertisement above.

Exeter Flying Post - 25th April 1833
DIED: April 15, at Penzance, aged 26, of a lingering illness, Mr. Frederick J. Badham, merchant.

This must be James Billings Badham’s eldest son, Frederick James Badham.