Registration is fairly straightforward. N.B. Registration requires a valid email address, and you'll need to check your inbox regularly throughout the process (explained below).
Just use the 'Register' link in the 'Login or Register' area available in the 'Member' menu above (or in the 'slideout' menu to the left if using a mobile device). All you need to do is provide your real name (minimum first name and last name) together with a username, a password and a valid email address. That's all we require. N.B. Only your username will appear anywhere on the Portal, but for this reason it is important that you choose a username that does not help to identify you. You will also need to agree to some "conditions of use". These will not be unfamiliar to many of you as signing-up to similar provisions are required for many sites on the Internet. However, we take privacy very seriously (see more below*) so please don't be surprised at the provisions we're asking you to agree to.
The registration form also includes a 'CAPTCHA' device where you are asked to click to confirm that you are 'human' - there may be further challenges if the system cannot initially validate your circumstances. This is to deter attempts at automated registrations - a common method to test website security, create fake accounts, etc. If you have trouble reading any of the challanges, either use the 'refresh' facility (a kind of recycle symbol), or switch to the audible mode where prompts will be read out (make sure your speakers are on!). However, a few 'refreshes' will normally produce a more legible challenge!
A valid email address is required as you will need to respond to an email that will be sent to you in order to validate your account. If you do not receive an email, first check that your SPAM filter hasn't stopped it reaching you, otherwise contact
N.B. Confirming you have a valid email address is one of the measures we have to take to protect the site against 'spoof' registrations; an annoying but common problem with Internet sites of this nature. Although the fact that you have received the confirmation email indicates we have received your application, you will not be able to log into the site until you respond to it as it also confirms you wish to proceed. PLEASE study and follow the instructions in the email carefully!
Following successful registration, you will be automatically subscribed to the 'Group Actvity Update' Forum category, provided you ticked the box agreeing to this at the time of your registration. This is used by the website administrators to send out alerts on new content and other items of interest. These messages are not frequent and should not be at all onerous or annoying, however if you wish to disable this subscription you can do this easily from your profile or from within the Forum area.
*We ask you to recognise that as a site that inevitably deals with some potentially personal information, it's important that you understand the 'risks' that relate to interacting with a site of this nature. But we also hope that you understand that you are among other genuine and law-abiding people who want to contribute to the site in good faith - every member has been required to sign-up to the same provisions. Understanding and recognising the conditions are therefore essential to protecting the integrity of the site as well as all members who are willing to contribute. You can view our Privacy Policy by clicking HERE.
As a "failsafe", we have built in facilities to report on any abuse to these provisions or any other unacceptable behaviour, as well as the ability to instantly 'block' private messages from members if that action is considered appropriate pending enquiry and any 'disciplinary' procedures.
After successful registration, we ask that you complete your Member Profile. Click HERE or on the relevant menu choice (under 'Help & Advice')...