The Badham Family History Group (hereinafter referred to as 'the Group') is run entirely by volunteers, none of whom are professional genealogists or historians and even if we were, we are human and make mistakes. We make every effort to keep the quality of our information and publications high but you will understand that we cannot guarantee that any information is correct. For example, you may find through the Group information that appears to extend your family tree, or indicates that certain assets, which you may consider buying, were connected to your family. However, the responsibility for ensuring that the information is correct, relevant to your family or that the assets did once belong to your family is yours alone. The Group will not be held responsible for any loss that you may sustain. This may often involve going back to original sources and checking to see if there are other individuals with the same name that are possible alternatives as ancestors and then finding a way to eliminate or confirm them. We hope this helps you to understand the reasons for the formal disclaimer below.
The Website is the official publication of the Badham Family History Group, and the contents may not be reproduced without the written permission of the Editors or the Webmaster. The Group cannot and will not accept any responsibility for any consequential loss suffered directly or indirectly by any purchaser or reader as a result of any advertisement, notice or other content appearing in these publications. Views expressed on the Website (e.g. in Forum posts or made in Comments on articles) are not necessarily endorsed by the Group.
The Badham Family History Group has no liability either directly or indirectly for any other websites which you may access through this site on the basis that the Group has no control over such sites.